November Twenty-Seventh Read online

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  “I understand, Darcy. It will all go according to your plan. If you will excuse me, I will return by dinnertime.” Bingley shook his friend’s hand and left to put the plan into motion.

  Chapter 11

  Darcy held his wife on his lap in his study after Bingley left.

  “I was reminded of what your uncle had shared with me the day of our wedding, Ellie, and I had wished to speak to you about it.” Darcy gently kissed her lips. “That fateful day, on November twenty-seventh, why did you come to me? Why not go to Bingley directly to tell him of Jane’s heartbreak? He would have listened to you and trusted your opinion. He could have helped you with a position or give you enough funds and time until he married your sister. Why did you come to me?”

  Elizabeth looked into his eyes and replied, “The thought of going to him never crossed my mind. I thought you ruled his mind stringently and that he would not make any decisions without your blessing, William. Now that I think if it, I suppose he would have listened to me and returned for Jane. He and I were always on friendly terms, you know.”

  She leaned and kissed his lips tenderly. “I believe I came to you because I saw you as an intelligent man who, although infuriating at times, always spoke to me as an equal. You respected my opinions and encouraged me to speak my mind when we spent that miserable week together at Netherfield. You may have looked down on my family and was ignorant of my sister’s feelings for your friend, but you had gained my respect and I had hoped you were an upright man who was capable of seeing right and wrong and remediating it.”

  Darcy caressed her cheek with his hand. “And if you had gone to Bingley and he offered you to be his mistress? Do you think you would have accepted him? If someone more handsome and wealthier wanted you, would you have acquiesced?”

  “No! Never! I would have taken a position instead and dealt with the wandering hands of my employer at a later time. No, William,” Elizabeth professed, “I would not have agreed to anyone else’s proposition.”

  “Why did you accept mine? You detested me at that time.” Darcy held her around her waist. “I could have easily lost you.”

  Elizabeth lifted his face and kissed his lips several times. “Do you recall what you said to me after I demanded that you help me? You said, ‘I love you. I am in love with you and you could marry me. Will you marry me instead of taking employment?’”

  Darcy nodded and Elizabeth continued. “I saw in your eyes as clearly as I see it now that your words were true. I did not think I could marry you, when I saw myself as a sullied girl who ran away from home, but when you offered to hire me as your mistress, I agreed to it because I knew you loved me and you would treasure me. I felt so loved by you even from our first joining and I loved that you began to call me Ellie because you were so enthralled to love me that you could not finish speaking my name.” She kissed him a long time. “My heart was yours then, I believe, only I did not know it myself. You were the handsomest man I had ever met and I was flattered that you desired me. It gave me joy to bring you happiness in return.”

  Darcy brushed her fallen hair from her face, “I have found that I have wronged you in another way today, Ellie. Bingley, he shared that one of your greatest wish was to be wed with your sister in a double ceremony. You gave up that dream because I was so impatient. I am sorry, my love. You lost that chance because I was selfish and once again, I took something precious from you. How can I make amends?”

  “Oh, William, it was nothing but the wishes of a young girl and her sister. Although it would have been wonderful to marry with Jane, I had the perfect ceremony, with the beautiful flowers you picked for me from your own garden, with our closest family attending, and a delicious meal afterwards. I could not have dreamed a better wedding, my love.” She responded.

  “Well, I plan on gifting you with everything I can think of. You will wear the emeralds tomorrow night and be seen as the most beautiful woman in England. Jealous harpies will sharpen their claws but we will show them what will happen to them if they do not show their respect after Caroline Bingley is crushed for all to see. We will travel to Hertfordshire in a few days and take care of Wickham as well, my love. No one will stand in our path of happiness and anyone who gets in the way will be ruined.” Darcy vowed.

  “Thank you for loving me so fearlessly, William, and for trusting me. There is not and there will be no one for me but you.” Elizabeth kissed her husband fervently and spent the next several moments wrapped in each other’s arms until it was time to see to their duties.


  “Please have a seat,” Darcy stated. “It is nice to make your acquaintance. You know my wife already. This is Mr. Charles Bingley, my future brother-in-law.”

  “Thank you. Yes, it is a pleasure to see you again, Miss Elizabeth. Oh, I apologise, Mrs. Darcy.” Mr. Dalcy coloured at his blunder, having always found the vivacious young lady very attractive since her coming out. He nodded his greeting to Bingley then spoke to Elizabeth again. “Your uncle Gardiner was raving about how wonderful it was to attend your wedding and he was beaming that you had found yourself a good man.” He turned to Darcy, “I have only today discovered that you are the owner of our warehouse. I had not known that Pemberton Corporation was yours until I spoke with my solicitor this morning that I was meeting with you today, sir. I was concerned after receiving your note yesterday that there might be legal issues you might have wished to discuss and I wanted to be prepared.”

  Darcy apologised, “I did not mean to place you on alert, Mr. Dalcy. This meeting has nothing to do with your business or lease but rather your personal life in pursuit of a wife. I am sorry I was not clearer on my note but I had intentionally kept it vague so our discussion does not fall into the wrong hands. My wife is being wrongfully attacked by a jealous woman and I wish to destroy her and have her transported but my kind wife,” he looked at Elizabeth and smiled softly, “asked me to show compassion. This woman, unfortunately, is Mr. Bingley’s sister, and he will be my brother through his marriage to Mrs. Darcy’s sister.”

  “I have heard of you, Mr. Bingley. I was acquainted with your father many years ago and Gardiner was boasting of Jane Bennet’s betrothal also. It is true that I am in search of a wife but who is Miss Bingley to me? What incentive would I have to marry her, if she is as much a shrew as she sounds? I do not wish for a love match since my dear Alice passed, but I do have to like the chit enough, pardon my language, Mrs. Darcy, in order to produce children with her.” Mr. Dalcy pronounced. “I could easily marry a shopkeeper’s daughter if I just needed to birth a child, but I had hoped to have at least a little beauty and some flattering arm piece by my side. At my age, appearances are important and my business will require someone who can present herself well as my wife.”

  Bingley cleared his throat before speaking. “Ahem. I believe she is the perfect resolution, Mr. Dalcy. My sister Caroline is three and twenty and declares herself to be most accomplished.”

  Elizabeth added, “She is quite beautiful and has perfect society manners, apart from attacking my reputation, and she possesses all the accomplishments that surpass what is usually met with these days. She has a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages. Last I heard, she is adding something more substantial to improve her mind, by extensive reading.”

  Darcy let out a snort, “Only fashion magazines, I believe.”

  Elizabeth laughed, “She also has a dowry of £20,000, Mr. Dalcy.”

  Mr. Dalcy’s eyes opened wide with the amount. “That is certainly an incentive! You say she is pretty, has fashionable manners, and is rich? Why is she not already married? What is wrong with her?”

  Darcy answered, “She is in love with the Darcy fortune and believed herself to be superior to my own wife. She is a tradesman’s daughter but her father left Bingley with a large inheritance and her dowry made her arrogant. She reached too high to think she could tempt me but I never wanted her. I will admit she is not horrid to look at and she will fit
your requirements if you are looking for marriage without love.”

  Bingley also clarified, “Caroline declined other suitors because she wanted Darcy and she is, even now, expecting that my friend will be annulling his marriage with Mrs. Darcy because of some gossips she believes are true.”

  Darcy sat up straighter. “She will be ruined in le bon ton and no one from high society will associate with her ever again after tonight. She will fall from the imaginary pedestal she placed herself on and Bingley will offer her the choice of being shipped off to the colonies for slander or marrying you and keeping some comfort. Is this something that you would be willing to agree to?”

  “I feel as if I am purchasing a horse sight unseen,” Mr. Dalcy huffed, “but that horse would not come with £20,000. Yes, if I can have your word that she is attractive enough and can present herself as my wife with decent manners, I will take her on. I will not allow her to talk nonsense to anyone and will be firm in my demands that she behave as a lady. If she speaks foolishly, I will cut off her allowances and keep her locked up at home or send her off someplace far for a while. I have not become a wealthy man because I believed in indulging, sir.”

  Darcy replied, “That is a good plan. You are exactly the man she needs so she can learn to be a better human being. I thank you for your agreement.”

  “I will give you full control of her dowry and obtain a special license. She will need to marry in a hurry.” Bingley also stated.

  “And I will have my solicitor draw up the settlement papers. I plan on providing £50 a quarter for her, sir. Do you think it enough?” Mr. Dalcy asked Bingley.

  Darcy remained as impassive as ever but spoke first. “I believe half that amount is even too much and would rather see her receive £50 per annum. She does not know how to economise now and will need a stern hand.”

  Bingley chuckled, “That sounds like justice. She is going to be miserable and on equal footing with Jane. Well, what Jane receives now, at least. Caroline does not know I will settle £10,000 on my wife.”

  “I understand, sirs. I will settle £50 per annum and perhaps induce her to behave better if she wishes for an increase in the future. Eventually.” Mr. Dalcy winked.

  The gentlemen shook hands and Mr. Dalcy departed and Elizabeth immediately spoke out. “William! Miss Bingley thought me destitute because I had £50 a year! She has a thousand now and she will not know what to do with herself!”

  “Good! I wish her all the misery in the world. She is fortunate to have even that much.” Darcy declared. “She deserves nothing at all and you, everything. She put herself in this situation and she will learn to moderate her behaviour and think of others before herself for once in her life.”

  Bingley chimed in, “It is justice. You and Jane lived well with the same amount and my betrothed is the gentlest of souls, Mrs. Darcy. No, £50 is more than enough. With all the dresses and jewellery she owns now, she will not need anything for years.”

  “Well then, we only have tonight to worry about and then take care of the gossips in Meryton.” Elizabeth sighed. “I hope all of this nonsense ends soon. I am most eager to travel to Scotland and see Pemberley. I only wish for the peace and quiet of the countryside.”

  Darcy embraced her and kissed her temple. “It will be all over soon, my love. I will take care of you.”

  “Thank you, William.” She kissed his cheek and arose. “I have some duties to see to with Mrs. Mason and luncheon will be served shortly. I will see you both later.”

  Both men stood as Elizabeth departed then resumed their conversation.

  “I will write to my solicitor and get the special license started. I need to update Jane about the situation as well and it will be three days until Caroline is married off and I will be free of her. You have every right to do more, Darcy, but thank you again for not opting for a harsher punishment. Caroline, and Louisa also, by association to our sister, will both be outcasted by society but with you standing by me, Jane and I will be still accepted and we will not be in complete ruin. Hurst will likely cart off to his parents’ estate in Somerset and Caroline will never be invited to Netherfield again. It was very kind of Mrs. Darcy to offer to be hostess before I am married, dear brother. Next week cannot come soon enough.” Bingley rubbed his face.

  Darcy commented, “I cannot be happier than to be married, Bingley. Be good to your wife. Ellie tells me everything and Jane and my wife speak freely. Ellie was very open with her about what to expect in the marriage bed and I know you are experienced enough to take good care of her first time. Your wife will be your most precious treasure and never take her for granted.”

  Bingley smiled, “I will do so, Darcy. Thank you for your mentorship, brother. You have always been advising and teaching me for years and I appreciate all that you have done for me. I feel you are closer than my own family and next week, you will finally be my family!”

  Darcy laughed and shook his hand. “I always thought of you as my brother. We will both be blessed with our wives and I do owe you for leasing Netherfield where I met my beloved wife. I am glad everything is set for tonight. I have spoken to my aunt and all will go as planned. I will let you get to your solicitor and will see you at the concert. The music will not be the only entertainment tonight.”

  Bingley departed to obtain the special license and to transfer the dowry to Caroline’s new husband. He was eager for this business to be completed so he could return to his betrothed as soon as possible.

  Chapter 12

  The concert hall was beautifully lit with numerous lamps and the crowd began to gather early than norm, as rumour had spread quickly that the newlywed Darcys were to attend, along with Lord and Lady Matlock and several prominent figures to arrive in their most fashionable dresses to show off their wealth. It was the event of the year to inaugurate the beginning of the season. The concert was sponsored by Lady Jersey and it was by invitation only to those who were of nobility or related to nobility.

  There were few fortunate guests who received personal extensions if they were intimate with the top 400 wealthiest families in England, and Caroline Bingley and the Hursts crowed to everyone they knew that they had finally gained entrance to the most exclusive event.

  “I am so glad you listened to me and returned to town without your mousy Jane in tow. I know she just left town and you are now here with the most elevated ranks by yourself and perhaps you can find a worthier lady to spark your interest.” Miss Bingley sighed, “It is only untimely that Miss Darcy is not out yet.”

  “Mousy? Are you calling my Jane a rodent?” Bingley was indignant with the insult.

  “Oh, I heard Lady Jersey refer to that drab woman over there as ‘mousy’ just now.” She tittered. “I am going to use it. These distinguished ladies know so much! If only Eliza was a mouse, I would have squashed her with my shoe a long time ago!”

  Louisa Hurst cackled along, “Jane is a wonderful girl but her family is not worth our notice and to be connected with such a mother! You will bring shame to us all, Charles, and I am only satisfied that I no longer bear the Bingley name. At least I am a gentlewoman now by marriage.”

  Hurst drained his wine glass and reached for another while the crowd gathered outside the concert’s main hall to await entrance and mingle with society. “I do not care to be back in town, Louisa, since you are forcing me to attend these dull outings and I had to open my townhouse at my own expense. I would have much rather stayed in Netherfield with your brother’s fine wine and haunches of meat.”

  “Oh, Mr. Hurst, do shut up and drink another glass. It was most gracious for Mr. Darcy to extend his invitation to include us and we shall be seen tonight with the best of the ton!” Louisa reprimanded her husband.

  “Where is Mr. Darcy? I wish to be seen on his arm tonight. He must have shunned that wife of his by now and seeking to annul his marriage.” Caroline anxiously looked around. “That whore never deserved him and she will never show her face in public again.”

  “Take care, C
aroline! You are speaking of my future sister!” Bingley hissed. He could not believe his sister was speaking so crassly and at a volume to be overheard by others.

  Caroline only huffed and spoke louder while Louisa approvingly giggled, drawing the attentions of the other attendees near them. “But she whored herself to Lord George Beresford and they were living in sin in Cheapside. All the proof is there that she is the worst kind of harlot to entrap the most prestigious gentleman of my acquaintance! I will speak my mind, Charles, and I will not cower to such a woman. She has no real beauty, no accomplishments, and I suppose her teeth are tolerable, but she does not deserve any notice and I plan on winning him as soon as he ends it with her!” She declared, without realising the company listening behind her.

  Bingley was ready to throttle his own sister and grabbed her arm to pull her outside but there was a growing whisper around them and he turned to see the Darcys approach. He took a deep breath and prepared for what was coming to his sisters.

  Darcy stopped in front of Bingley and shook his hand. Elizabeth was on his arm in a beautiful green dress with incredibly large emeralds around her neck. She was glowing in splendour and several guests approached them to congratulate them on the recent nuptials.