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November Twenty-Seventh Page 9
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Page 9
Caroline could do naught but look down her nose when the Matlocks and Lady Jersey walked from behind her to greet the Darcys, and when they kissed Eliza’s cheeks, Caroline scoffed loudly for all to hear.
Lady Matlock has been informed beforehand of Caroline Bingley’s defamation and was of mind to slap her across the cheek but she complied with Darcy’s wishes for his revenge to be delivered tonight.
Caroline could not understand why Mr. Darcy was completely ignoring her, and even the Matlocks, with whom she had been introduced before, did not acknowledge her or her sister.
She attempted to attach herself to Darcy but the doors to the concert hall opened and everyone began to move into the grand room.
The Darcys were given two seats in the fifth row while the Bingleys and the Hursts sat immediately behind them in the sixth row. There were two empty seats next to the Darcys and Caroline wondered if she could take a seat next to Mr. Darcy instead. She rose slowly to change her place when a couple entered and the Darcys stood to greet them.
“Darcy, how good it is to see you again! I had not planned on attending tonight but your note convinced me otherwise and I am glad to be here to assist. I still owe you a debt of gratitude and we might finally be even today!” Lord George heartily laughed.
“Beresford, it has been too long. Please allow me to introduce to you my dearest wife, Elizabeth Darcy. Ellie, this is my good friend from university, General Lord George Beresford, son of Marquess George Beresford.” Darcy announced.
Lord George bent and kissed her hand. “Very lovely; a pleasure, Mrs. Darcy.” He assessed her from head to toe. “I must admit you have good taste, Darcy. This young lady,” he turned to his companion on his arm, “is my special friend, Miss Elisabeth Darling. Although the face is different, she is exactly Mrs. Darcy’s height and size. What fortuitous coincidence!” He laughed.
Both Darcys greeted the demure woman dressed in a soft ivory dress, who appeared quite young and shy, and they all took their seats.
Caroline was shocked to see Lord George sitting in front of her with a woman who was dressed very finely. From the back, except for the dress colour, she could not tell apart which was Eliza and which was Miss Darling. She felt her heart drop with a sudden fear that perhaps Elizabeth Bennet had not been Lord George’s mistress after all. By the sound of their introductions, it seemed that he had never met the new Mrs. Darcy before.
She listened very carefully to their conversations, while more guests were taking their seats as the concert had not begun yet.
“And how is your wife, Beresford? She is well during her confinement?” Darcy asked.
“My dear Harriet is the most wonderful wife I could have.” Lord George replied. “She is large with child and must rest in bed but is doing well, and after giving me two daughters, she is deathly afraid that our third will be another girl, but I care not if we have a houseful of girls and I adore her. I only appreciate that she allows me some comfort during her confinement to have this wonderful lady take care of me. I do not know what I would have done if I did not have my Elisabeth to care for me in my time of need for the past few months.”
“Your dress is very beautiful. I hope you will enjoy the concert tonight. It is to be one of the best shows in the season. Have you attended before, Miss Darling?” Elizabeth gently asked.
The demure lady answered, “Thank you. This is my first time at a concert, Mrs. Darcy. I have not been out often with Lord George but he wanted to show me off today and I am glad to be sitting with you. Thank you for your kindness.”
Elizabeth smiled at the amiable woman who appeared about four and twenty and had compassion for whatever her situation might have required her to take this position. She was glad Lord George appeared to be a kind man at the least.
While the seats were still filling, Lord and Lady Matlock, who were sitting in front of Darcy, turned around and greeted Lord George.
Darcy’s aunt spoke delicately enough to be heard in only a few rows, “Lord George, I heard the most awful gossip when I arrived here. There was a woman saying that your friend whored herself to you and that she entrapped you. This woman spoke loudly for all to hear that Miss Darling had no beauty and no accomplishments and that she was planning to win you as soon as you end it with her!”
Lord George bellowed, “Who would dare speak such vulgarities here, Lady Matlock?! My Elisabeth has been good to me and my wife fully approves of our friendship. My dear friend does not deserve such censure when she has only been keeping me company under an exclusive contract!”
Lady Matlock smirked and pointed her finger to Caroline Bingley, sitting behind the lord.
Lord George slowly turned around to see a woman pale as a sheet. “Bingley! Explain yourself!” He stood for all of the concert attendees to see. “Who is this woman and why is she calling my acquaintance such names? You can see clearly for yourself that Miss Darling is ten times prettier than this shrew!”
Darcy stood and turned back as well. “Now, Beresford, I can attest that Bingley was attempting to stop her speech and have her removed from here. Miss Caroline Bingley is a heartless shrew and ignorant of proper behaviour of a gentlewoman, but Bingley is innocent and has the greatest respect for us.” Darcy’s eyes turned sharp and stared down at the woman who appeared mortified. “This uncouth woman even accused my wife being loose and slandered her, rambling that she came to me soiled, as if I would I would ever cease loving her.” He huffed. “My wife is pure and a true lady, the opposite of this harridan in front of you.”
The talks amongst the crowd grew louder and Caroline spluttered, “But… but.. I… I did not think…”
“And that is your problem, Miss Bingley!” Darcy berated her, “You have nothing in that head of yours and you and your sister believed yourselves to be elevated because of your tradesman father’s fortune. Bingley will be a landowner someday but you will always be a shrew!”
Lady Jersey finally walked over. “Miss Bingley, your invitation was extended as a courtesy but I see that you are unfit for our company. I will demand that you leave and never be in my presence again. That goes the same for you, Mrs. Hurst. I know you are complicit in everything your sister does. Leave now.” She turned to Bingley, “Mr. Bingley, I hope you will get your sister under control. Mrs. Hurst is her husband’s problem and it is obvious to me that he is a gluttonous sloth who cannot control his own wife, but your unmarried sister is your responsibility. Have her married off as quickly as possible. She is done in haut monde.”
Bingley stood and pulled Caroline’s arm. “I absolutely agree with you, milady. I allowed her to be out of control and it will be immediately remediated. With my marriage to Mrs. Darcy’s sister next week, I will do everything to ensure my new family is respectable and worthy of your notice. Lord George, my apologies. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy, I will see you later.”
Darcy made sure for all to see and shook Bingley’s hand. Elizabeth leaned and kissed Bingley’s cheek to show her support, and Bingley, Caroline, and the Hursts were quickly escorted out of the concert hall.
Darcy shook Lord George’s hand and thanked him. “We are now even.”
“Wonderful! I never thought I would be able to recompense for what you had done for us. It was worth the cost of being seen in public with my mistress to repay the debt. My wife thanks you very much as well, Darcy.” Lord George winked as he whispered.
Both men kissed their ladies’ hands and awaited Lady Jersey’s speech.
Lady Jersey stood in front of the full audience, “Now that the pesky issue is resolved, I would like to make one announcement before we begin the season in earnest. I wish to publicly congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy of their union. I have been told it is a great love story and that they are smitten with each other and everyone here certainly have noticed it.” Everyone clapped for the newlywed. “Now, maestro, let us begin!”
The conductor bowed with a broad smile and after tapping on his music stand, the beautiful symphony began and all t
he guests were pleased to listen to the finest music in all of England.
Chapter 13
“What do you mean MY wedding?!” Caroline screeched. “I cannot possibly marry a man I have never met! I was born for greater things and I will never marry so low!”
Louisa was the first one to sober up that evening. “You ruined us, Caroline! What gives you the idea that you have a choice now? If only you had kept your mouth shut, this could have been all prevented. You prattled off the gossip to Mr. Darcy and offended him, and then Lord George found out everything you said about his mistress!”
“But I thought Eliza was his mistress!” Caroline shouted. “How was I to know that they looked so similar? And I am certain Wickham was telling the truth!! He sullied her but Mr. Darcy is lying!”
“You believed the words of a criminal who would have said anything to besmirch Mr. Bennet, who was responsible for purchasing his debts? That mercenary rogue, who was courting Mary King for her £10,000 and owed more than £1,000 to the merchants and officers? How simple are you to listen to such nonsense?” Bingley yelled. “You only heard what you wished to hear and you will pay for your stupidity, sister. Darcy wishes to take you to court for slander and I am certain Lord George feels the same and you would be found guilty and sent off to the colonies, Caroline! Either you marry this man I have chosen for you or be prepared to be penniless and begging for food!”
Caroline paled at the thought. “I would rather die than be poor. Tell me more about this man, Charles. Why can I not choose someone on my own?”
“Because no one else will have you, you twit. You are still demanding? I am of mind to have you transported.” Bingley scoffed. “He has 2,000 a year,” his sister smiled a little, “His name is Mr. Dalcy,” he saw her beam at the name. “Dalcy, D-A-L-C-Y, and he is four and forty,” he saw her begin to frown, “and is a tradesman.” Caroline appeared angry now.
“I refuse…” She was not allowed to continue.
“You will marry him in two days and I am already obtaining a special license. He will have full control over your dowry but he has been generous to provide a settlement, which I will be signing tomorrow.” Bingley saw his sister’s hopes raised a little and delivered the final blow. “He will settle £50 per annum and that is being kind. I would have asked for £25.”
Caroline immediately stood and threw a vase into the fireplace.
“Caroline!” Louisa screamed, “That was from Mr. Hurst’s mother and was worth a fortune, you stupid chit! Stop breaking my property! This, along with all of the other items you have broken, will need to come out of your allowance for the quarter. I know you were just given your allowance but already spent majority of it so you must pay up now. Now, Caroline! As soon as you are married off in two days, you will not have the funds to pay me back for all the trinkets you damaged.” She began to fret, “How in the world am I going get my reputation back? Charles, you must put in a good word with Mrs. Darcy for me. I did not do anything wrong and I will go and beg for her forgiveness tomorrow.”
“Oh, I can do the same, Charles,” Caroline added, “If she forgives me, she can convince Mr. Darcy to have us reintroduced to society and then I would not have to marry such an old, disgusting man. Go and fix it for us! You will be his brother next week and he will certainly accede to your request.”
Bingley began to laugh loudly, “Suddenly my connection to Jane Bennet is desirable, is it not? No, sisters. You ruined yourselves and there is no way to get out of it. Caroline might have spoken the words but you did nothing but encourage her and laugh along, Louisa.” He looked at Caroline and spoke sternly. “He is more likely to take you to court for slander and take every farthing of your dowry than to forgive you for calling his wife a whore, Caroline. How dare you say such a thing to Jane’s sister? You brought every misery upon yourself. My wife will never forgive you and you will both never return to Netherfield.”
Mr. Hurst now stood in front of his wife. “I ordinarily do not care what you and your sister blather about all day long but I have never been more embarrassed in my entire life, Louisa. Father and mother will be mortified that because of your sister and always agreeing with her on everything, you have damaged the Hurst name by association. Not only will I lose the chance of being invited back to Netherfield and Pemberley, but you have made us a laughing stock in town and we cannot stay here. I will close up my townhouse as soon as your harridan of a sister is married off and remove to Somerset.” He growled, “You will finally learn your duties as mistress of an estate and grovel at my mother’s feet so she will help you. Mother hated that I married a tradesman’s daughter and despises Caroline, and she will never be invited to my homes after her wedding. I will no longer abide by you and your sister’s edicts and if you ever disrespect me again, I will place you in the servants’ quarters,” he declared. “And you will be giving me an heir. I will no longer listen to your excuses. We have been married for two years and it is about time you do your duty and bear my child, Louisa. No more excuses until you give me a son, and you had better not give me daughters. If any of my daughters turn out to be like your sister, I will disown them!”
Louisa immediately began to wail and ran to her rooms. Caroline sat resignedly that her life as she knew it was over and that she would be doomed to become Mrs. Dalcy in two days.
Bingley excused himself. “I will write you with instructions. You will be wed at St. Matthew’s in two days at ten o'clock in the morning. Do not dare to think of leaving town, Caroline. If you do not do as I say. I will hand over all of your dowry to a charity and you will be penniless and unmarried. At least accept your future and plan on being a good wife.” He took a deep breath, “With your knowledge of manners and your accomplishments, you can be a fashionable leader you always wished to be in that circle. Begin your packing as well, Caroline. I do not believe your new home in Cheapside will have a large dressing room and you can only take half of what you own. See you in two days.”
He immediately left to return to Darcy House and eagerly wrote a letter to explain to his betrothed of what had happened. He hoped the next two days would speed as quickly as possible.
“That feels so good, my love.” Elizabeth softly moaned. “Your hands are magical.”
“It is my pleasure, Mrs. Darcy,” he replied as he continued his massaging of her body. From her shoulder to her back, and arms to her buttocks and legs, he gently rubbed her down with oil everywhere. They were both completely nude and he sat on his legs with her thighs under him and tenderly massaged her buttocks. “I am going to try entering you from this position. Tell me how it feels, my love.”
He guided his long phallus between her legs and slowly slipped into her womanhood. He needed no words, as his wife’s moans became louder and she lifted up her buttocks slightly to take him fully inside.
Darcy began to rock slowly then sped up to thrust harder. He loved seeing his long shaft moving in and out of her and leaned forward to lay over her. Grabbing her breast and licking her neck, he began to pump as fast as he could until Elizabeth screamed her ecstasy. He thrust another few dozen times until he reached his climax and yelled out his release.
“Oh, William, that… that was so good.” Elizabeth huffed out between breaths. “It is incredible that there are so many ways to make love. I love trying them all with you.”
Darcy wrapped her in his arms after covering themselves and kissed her neck. “We have another fifty or so positions to try. When we are in Scotland, we will try every single one.”
Elizabeth laughed, “That sounds wonderful, my love. It was very kind of Richard to gift that banned book from India. I cannot read any of the words on it but the drawings are all that is needed.”
“Yes, they are.” Darcy laughed. “He did request it back for his own wedding gift. If we have not mastered all the positions by his wedding date, I will find us another copy. I will never tire of trying them with you. He plans on proposing to Miss Grey soon but likely not marry until
he is able to retire.”
“Oh, William, I am glad that Richard will marry her. I like her very much.” Elizabeth responded, then she sighed deeply.
Darcy caressed her arm, “What is the matter, my love? Something on your mind?”
Elizabeth sighed again, “I... not really about... well...”
“You can say anything to me, Ellie. I love you so much and we can face everything together.” Darcy kissed her lips.
“Lord George, he has a mistress because his wife is with child and she fully approved of the relationship.” Elizabeth began. “We... we might be with child, even right now, since we make love so often, and once I carry your babe, must I... am I required to consent... I cannot do it; I cannot imagine you with anot...”
Darcy kissed her lips and held her tightly. “Do you truly think I would use someone else? I will never. I might explode from desiring you and might have to seek some privacy, but there will be no one but you in my bed. No mistresses, no courtesans. My body belongs to you, my mistress, and permission or not, I will never know another.”
Elizabeth finally smiled, “I am relieved to hear it, my love. I do not wish to ever imagine you with another woman. I will do everything I can to pleasure you, William. I suppose we have the book to try some positions when I am huge with child. Aunt Madeline has shared with me that relations during pregnancy was common and she did subtly share that the cravings might increase.”
“Good lord, we love each other so often now, if your appetite increases, we will get nothing done!” Darcy chuckled. “I will accept that challenge and will do my utmost to pleasure you as often as possible in return, my mistress.” He lifted himself over her and trailed his kisses on her jaw and neck. “One more time, Ellie. I only loved you twice today.” He joined her again and loved her thoroughly until she was completely exhausted.